This is what a M2H mission looks like.

“M2H is an educational facility and we can train them but cannot license them. We are, nonetheless, going to teach them what they need to do to salvage some very sick people. I could repeat this view from a score of mission facilities in all of Africa, from the mountains of the Philippines, from the interior of South America, from the South Pacific Islands—the mission hospital is forgotten and empty of all but the dedicated who need to do whatever they can with what is left to them. M2H is an educational institution, dedicated to indigenizing care to the poorest, Furthest People First.” – Dr. G

Mission to Heal approaches missions not only with the heart to heal the sick but with the commitment to transform and enhance the lives of both patients and volunteers alike. Jordan Geelhoed (volunteer in Uganda 2019) was one such inspired volunteer. His experience drove him to create a video capturing our Uganda mission from back in June. If you’ve ever been interested in a M2H mission, this video will detail everything you ever wanted to know about a medical mission with us.